Pests, Tips | October 11, 2024

Staying Safe During Ground Hornet Season

Ground hornets, also known as yellowjackets of numerous species, are an aggressive wasp known for
their multiple and painful stings. Here in the Hill Country, they are typically more active during the
autumn months and begin foraging around October and November. Here are some fun facts and tips to
keep yourself safe this fall.


One of the most common ground hornets in the Canyon Lake/Spring Branch area are the German
yellowjacket or German wasp as some people call it. One of the unique characteristics of the German
wasp is its ability to recognize individual faces, which is not common for insects. They have black
antennae, 3 pairs of yellow legs and symmetrical yellow spots on the head. Their abdomen has geometric
shapes with black and yellow spots.

They are often mistaken for honey bees, and are about 1⁄2” long.
Bees have more of a hovering flight pattern and do not seem to notice humans very much. Yellowjackets
will have a more direct flight pattern when they are foraging, like they are on a mission. Yellowjackets
are also smooth and not fuzzy like bees. Disturbance of a nest will cause them to release an attack
pheromone and begin to all pile out and come after whatever person or equipment is disturbing them.

Nesting Locations

I have found them in holes in trees, water meter boxes, retaining walls made out of railroad ties or stacked rocks, in exterior walls of houses, and even a big carton nest in some tall decorative grasses at the golf course at Canyon Lake years ago. I also went to treat after a septic tank installer dug one out of the
ground with his backhoe and got attacked. His equipment was left right where it was when he started
getting stung. If you see a bunch of them coming and going from a small hole somewhere, chances are
that they are yellowjackets. All the wasp spray in the world will not be a proper technique on eradicating

What Attracts Them

Yellowjackets like sugary substances and proteins or sodas like most wasps and bees. Picnics and
cookouts are areas that could be a problem. I tend to see them by the trash cans at the gas station quite
often also, for the same reasons. They are not super aggressive when not guarding a nest, but you should
still take caution and remain calm without swatting at them. Bright colors and floral patterns are what
they are attracted to in nature, so wearing neutral colored clothes are outdoor festivities will decrease the
chances of them noticing you.


Although you cannot prevent yellowjackets from existing and finding their nest can be difficult if they
aren’t swarming from it, you can be aware of your surroundings this time of year. When doing pest
control I always look for activity in stacked rocks and retaining walls. Weep holes that look like they
have paper hanging out of them can be signs on a hornet infestation. Take care when running loud
equipment like chainsaws or weedeaters since this is how lots of homeowners disturb a nest and get

If you do find a nest just slowly get away from it without flailing your arms. However, if you
are being attacked, run as quickly as you can to safety. If any stingers are left on the skin scrape them off
with a credit card. Next, clean the affected areas with soap and water and apply an ice pack to sting
locations. Antihistamines will help reduce inflammation as well as NSAIDS like Asprin, Advil, or Tylenol.

For those with known allergies to insect stings, carrying an epinephrine auto-injector is crucial. Recognizing the signs of an allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat,
and rapid pulse, can save lives. If any of these symptoms occur, seek emergency medical help

Professional Help

Unfortunately, most of my customers find ground hornets the hard way, by getting stung multiple times.
There are so many locations they could be nesting, it’s not practical to try and prevent them. If you do
find a nest that needs to be removed, Alternative Pest Control has the expertise and equipment to
eliminate those dangerous nests around your home. I have treated many many nests in my career as a
bugman! We usually make 2-3 trips to make sure there is no more activity.

Contact Us Today to Get Started!

OUR HOURS: Mon - Fri 8:30am to 5pm

(830) 899-5400

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