Controlling Outdoor Cockroaches

Cockroaches getting into your home can be vectors of disease transmission and bacteria spread. Canyon Lake, TX and the surrounding areas have a few outdoor roach species, such as American cockroaches, Smokey Brown cockroaches, and Brown-Banded cockroaches. There are also other species but these three are the most prevalent.
Roaches release odorous secretions which can cause odors in their general infestation area. They also carry protozoa, bacteria, and viruses inside their bodies, spreading disease and sickness. The most common sickness spread is gastroenteritis (food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea). Sometimes roaches will invade a variety of foods, and have a preference for decaying organic matter. Gross. Shed skin can also cause allergic reactions or asthma symptoms in some people.
The unsanitary places where the roaches breed and live (sewers, drains, bathrooms, leaf piles, garbage disposals) is where the disease-causing aspect comes into play. They carry bacteria and filth on their bodies and then invade other areas like homes, bringing the filth into that environment.
Inspection & Sanitation
A proper assessment of the home will help identify problem areas. Excess moisture is a conducive condition for roaches to thrive. Leaf piles, clogged gutters, hollow trees, wood piles, standing water, over-watered ground cover or garden beds provide the environment needed for American roaches to survive. Sealing plumbing & HVAC lines coming into the house help prevent entry points. Removing any rotted wood or repairing water damaged decks and sheds also helps.
Inside the home seal pipes under sinks and around toilets. Also check door weatherstripping and make sure there are no large gaps. Cockroaches can also come inside with cardboard packaging, so any boxes should be discarded in the dumpster as soon as possible. Turning off porch lights at night can help since American cockroaches can fly, although not very good!
Food sources such as cereal, cookies, flour, sugar, and bread should be stored in airtight plastic containers until the infestation is remedied. Roaches love sweets! Do not leave dirty dishes on stoves or piled in the sink, since that food residue can feed numerous roaches.
Treatment Options
Baits are the most effective treatments for all types of roaches, and should be applied to the harborage areas and anywhere else they are seen. There are numerous different chemicals in baits but ones that are effective are boric acid based, fipronil, abamectin, indoxacarb, or silica-type baits are all effective. Outdoors granular scatter baits are more effective than gel baits and easier to spread to reach a wider area. Most bait containers have a flip-top lid to spread the baits effectively.
Indoors granular baits can be used in small plastic containers inside cabinets. Gel baits or bait stations, which are small plastic discs containing baits inside are effective when placed in cracks and under sinks and cabinets where roaches reside. Behind appliances or underneath them is another great area to place baits.
Dusts can be used in cracks and crevices, with care taken to avoid over-application or contaminating food supplies. Just a light puff of dust in electrical outlets or weep holes will help control roaches in those areas.
Alternative Pest Control is your cockroach control expert!
Give us a call and we can perform a proper inspection and treatment plan to give you results and allow you to enjoy your home again.